How diverse is your organisation?

A diversity monitoring tool for small organisations

Monitoring the diversity of an organisation can be difficult. What do you mean by diversity? What should you monitor? What are you comparing yourself against? How do you ask the questions? These are not straightforward questions to answer.

When you’re in a small organisation it gets tricker. You don’t have an HR department, so there’s probably no-one with direct expertise in this kind of process, so you worry more; are we asking the right thing? are we doing this right? how do we start?

Small organisations also have an extra concern — when the numbers you report can be mapped so directly to individuals, do you risk breaching confidences?

This prototype is our answer to those questions. We’re testing it between October 2017 and March 2018.

1. Survey your organisation

We’ve created a survey that you can use to find out more about your organisation’s diversity.

It’s available as a reusable Google Form.

Get the form, and find out more about how to use it →

2. Share your results

We’ve also created a tool turn the results of your Google Form into a series of charts.

This will help report or share the aggregated results of your anonymous surveys, whenever you need.

Turn your results into charts →

3. Find out how to improve

Finding out how diverse your organisation is is only a starting point. Next you’ll need to interpret what this means, and how to improve.

We gathered a list of resources that can help you decide what your next steps should be.

You’re in good company

Here are some of the organisations who used this tool to find out about their diversity:

Do you use this tool, and want to be included here? Email us at or submit a pull request on GitHub.