How to improve

Now that you have your results you should use them to make a public commitment to improving them.

1. Identify which areas need improvement

In a small organisation the sample size might be too small to fully represent the diversity of society, so it’s not about getting exact percentages right.

You should however assess which areas can be improved. Is your gender ratio skewed? Do you employ nobody with a disability? Is everyone in your organisation white?

2. Make an action plan

Once you know what your potential challenges are you need to plan how to address them. That might mean:

  • Developing more parent friendly policies
  • Allowing job-sharing
  • Specifically advertising your commitment to making a supportive workplace for people with disabilities
  • Changing your hiring strategies

State clearly what your goals are, and when you’re going to achieve them.

3. Check periodically how you’re doing

Some of the changes you will make will take a long time to come to fruition, so make sure you schedule time to check in on your progress regularly.

Send out the survey again at appropriate intervals.


We collected some resources that can help you improve your internal processes and policies.

Improving hiring processes

Retaining diverse teams

Further reading

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