Why we ask these questions

This tool is meant to measure how your organisation is doing, not to provide an accurate census of your employees’ identities. This distinction dictated our question choices, phrasing, and the answers available.

We ask questions that highlight where you might need to improve, but they might not give you very accurate, granular data. We think that in a small organisation that’s fine.

All of these categories are protected against discrimination by the law in the UK.

Do you have a disability?

We don’t want to ask for more details on this, since it’s about measuring your organisation’s inclusivity rather than gathering details information about your employees.

How old are you?

It’s not necessary to know the exact age of everyone in your organisation to be able to tell if there is an age bias. For this reason we ask about which age bracket an individual belongs to.

Do you have a religion?

We modelled our list on the one used by Ofcom’s Project Diamond.

We allow multiple answers because identities rarely fit into a single one.

What’s your ethnicity?

Usually when this question is asked the answers available are very specific. We think that in order to spot bias in a small organisation the answers can be a bit broader. The advantage of broader options is that we don’t demand the respondent to fit their identity into very narrow categories.

We allow multiple answers because identities rarely fit into a single one.

Would you say that your identity fits under the LGBTQIA umbrella?

LQBTQIA stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual.

We don’t want to ask a more detailed question about the above identities. Partially because of privacy concerns, but also because knowing the details of sexuality or gender variance and expression might not be any more helpful in spotting bias than just knowing whether your workplace is LGBTQIA friendly or not.

What’s your gender?

Sometimes when this question is asked there are either too few choices to include trans people, or the choices separate trans identities from those of “man” and “woman”, othering them in the process.

We tried to strike a balance here between allowing people to self-identify accurately and giving you the information you need. You want to make sure that you don‘t discriminate against women and gender minorities, and that’s what this question is meant to help you check.

We allow multiple answers because some people describe their gender using more than one term or might identify as more than one gender.

Tell us how to improve

We want to hear from you if you can suggest improvements to the survey questions.

Email us at hello@doteveryone.org.uk.